Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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Importing External Zipped Projects into Overture

Step 1: download any of the example bundles mentioned above

Step 2: start the Overture tool

Step 3: go to the File menu and select Import…

Select the Import... option from the File menu

Step 4: click on General and select Existing Projects into Workspace, then click Next . Note that it is also possible to select Overture and import the examples that were shipped with the tool.

Choose "General"/"Existing Projects into Workspace" from the Import dialog

Step 5: tick Select archive file and click Browse and load the example bundle.

Step 6: select the projects you want to import, then click Finish.

Select the projects you wish to import

Step 7: the selected projects appear in the Overture Tool VDM Explorer window

The selected projects imported into the Overture workspace

Note that the AlarmErrPP example contains errors — this is on purpose! Fixing these errors is part of the tutorials on the Documentation page.