Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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Net Meeting 33

Date 8 March 2009, 1400 CET
Participants Peter Gorm Larsen, John Fitzgerald, Shin Sahara, Nick Battle, Miguel Ferreira, Christian Thillemann.

Review of Action List

The actions are all at Overture on SourceForge.

John’s comments on the actions:

Peter’s comments on the actions:


Shin sent out the usual VDMTools report (see overture-core list), to which he added: In some cases the VDMTools Interpreter is faster than its Java counterpart in VDMJ.

Peter’ comments on Shin’s status report:

Although progress has been made regarding bug fixes, the web pages seem to be outdated. Best should be to keep these synchronized; Request CSK for permission to update the wiki for the bug status, so that Peter can include the text about the bugs reported.


Status for each of the Overture components at sourceforge

ast (Marcel)

Marcel announced that significant progress has been made on the SVN repository, thanks to the help of Nick and Kenneth now most components are in compilable state under maven and Eclipse build support. The next steps will be on are deployment towards an updatesite and the inclusion of the components build by Christian and David. Marcel will also create an issue tracker for the code base in SVN, a new milling list dedicated to development matters, and streamline the release process.

potrans (Miguel)

Miguel’s status on the PO translation is that it is now starting to move on again, starting with the connection to the VDMTools, through CORBA interface, to generate proof obligations. Peter proposed that Miguel should include a connection to VDMJ as well.

testgen (Peter)

The first version of the Overture Combinatorial Testing tool has now been released. We very much look forward to have feedback from as many as possible of you on the user manual and the associated tool.

eclipse (Christian and David)

Christian reports that work is being done on the debugging protocol (dbgp). They have a version of the Eclipse Plug-In, where it is possible to use the VDMJ interpreter in a console with the files in the project. At the moment Nick is also working on the VDMJ end of the eclipse plugin, and he is making some changes to it that will enable to see the values when debugging models. These changes will be included in the next version of the plugin.

vdmj (Nick)

The source of VDMJ is now in SVN, thanks to Marcel and Peter.

Nick reported:

Overture Community Process

Note: Language Board = Executive Committee.

John’s opening remark: An OCP has been proposed but there needs to be some form of agreement to implement it. If it is agreed to proceed with it, the LB needs to be elected and its first job is to ensure the generation of the first set of documents that it will be responsible for protecting, i.e. the OML definition V1.

Peter’s comment on the process draft V1.1: it looks like a great process.

John expressed his concerns about the scrutiny to which the proposed OCP has been submitted to, and proposes that we either arrange some sort of vote to adopt it, or establish a date after which the OCP is considered adopted if there are no comments by then. He also added that the draft suggests an official LB of no more than 5 persons because that seems to be as much as our community can sustain at the moment. However, he suspect that the LB will not want to be particularly secretive in general and so almost everyone will be involved in some capacity.

As there were no more comments to the draft, next followed the suggestion of names for the Executive Committee:

During the suggestions for the EC John presented his which of not participating in the committee, due to the lack of resources to handle all the underlying duties. Nick expressed that the EC should be an authoritative organ within the OCP, and Peter added that it should be both authoritative and administrative.

Nick also recovered the idea of having a user in the EC, that is detached from the development activities. Shin and John agree that this would be a great opportunity to bring someone else on board, and Shin proposed Mr. Kurita and Mr. Sakoh, as suitable to have a position in the EC. There was a greater consensus around Mr Sakoh, due to his great skill in languages and their semantics. Shin committed to contact Mr. Sakoh about this matter.

Also the connection to CSK and VDMTools was address as of great importance to the OCP and Overture in general.


John’s update on the Newcastle Workshop plans: Newcastle University has kindly agreed to fund a shor “Visiting Fellowship” to allow Marcel to work with us on tools and on co-simulation, especially with reference to the Pacemaker study. I thus envisage two workshops: The first workshop is essentially derived from the Braga event and will focus on the current state of Overture, with particular emphasis on plug-in development and support. Participation will be open to anyone, and I have had expressions of interest from RODIN/DEPLOY people. This is currently proposed for 7-8 May. The second workshop will relate to co-simulation and the Pacemaker challenge. My intention is to hold this later in the year, with participation from non-VDMers investigating the pacemaker. The proposed dates for the first workshop are provisional but I’m hoping that we will be able to get suitable facilities. I expect to confirm the dates this week, when Claire is back from vacation. I’ll take an action on this. Comments welcome.

John is also going to be responsible for the programme for the first event.

Profile of VDM++ on the web and the Overture web page in general

Marcel has now access to the file system of www.overturetool.org and Kenneth will start making changes soon to the appearance of the web-site. He has lso removed the old updatesite and XML-schema stuff.

Publication plans

In preparation:

In review:

In press:

Recently appeared (since last NM): None

Any Other Business

John: At Newcastle we had a visit two weeks ago from AIST in Japan: Makoto Takeyama, Yoshiki Kinoshita and Yutaka Matsuno. Dr Takeyama, I think, speaks regularly to Shin. They came to talk about dependability rather than formal methods, but we still had some good discussions on this topic and they saw something of our work on VDM models of dynamic coalitions.

Next Meeting

April 19th 2009, 1300 CET Note: next NM should address the problem of 13:00 CET = 20:00 JST.