Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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Net Meeting 42

Date 14 March 2010, 1400 CET
Participants Peter Gorm Larsen, Shin Sahara, Marcel Verhof, Nick Battle, Nico Plat, Sako Hiroshi, Kenneth Lausdahl and Ken Pierce.

Review of Action List

The actions are all at Overture on SourceForge.


Shin sent out the usual VDMTools report (see overture-core list). Small discussion about an famous Japan user which have expressed that they recognize VDM as useful for expressing domain knowledge by using invariant and pre/post-condition.



Nick has started a new branch with a new scheduler implementation with good progress.


Marcel have been working on a new version of the ASTGen he hope he will be able to release it very soon for testing.

Overture IDE

Overture Language Board

Nico Plat: Well we had our 2010 kick-off NM meeting last weekend; quite productive. Nick will send around the minutes of the LB meeting.

An issue has been moved the the OCP discussion phase, so now it’s time for yu guys to form an opinion on it. One important thing though that John also e-mailed about is the point of OML language definition documents. One of the things that we concluded is that we don’t really have a good overview of are the documents and artifacts that actually contribute to the definition (semantically and otherwise) of the OML, so we want to inventarise this. Then we can decide what is still missing and make up road map (word of the year to get these missing parts. When we are there we will have a much better mechanism for judging the effect of language issues on the OML. So I would like you all to take 10 minutes later today and make up a list of language deocuments (and other language artefacts) and send that either to me directly or to overture_lb (AT) overturetool.org.

Release status of Overture IDE 0.2

Shin has been testing the IDE with Japan models written in Shift-JIS and discovered strange conversions between Shift-JIS and UTF-8. He will mail example model to Kenneth Lausdahl.

Marcel raised a question about what should be included of external plug-ins in the release (SVN/CVS) which lead to a longer discussion about how to decide which plug-ins goes into the release.

The discussion will continue offline but Nico raised the concern that we should see if we could improve the procedure which is used to specify what goes into the release.

Publication plans

Planned (note the lead author and approximate date):

In preparation:

In review: In press:

Recently Appeared:

Next Meeting

18 Apr 2010, 13:00 CET