Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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Net-Meeting Template and Addition Guide

A github guide for creating pages is avaliable from here: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-new-files/

Template starts below this line (keep only the content between the triple-tildes, if you are copying the file):

————————————— Template Begin ———————————————————-

layout: default
title: Net Meeting XX
date: 4 February 2007, 1200 CEST

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# NetMeeting Default Template

| Date | 28 January 2015, 13:00 CET |
| Participants | AA, BB, ..., CC.  Minutes by DD. |

## Review Status of the Action List

See [Net Meeting Actions](https://github.com/overturetool/overturetool.github.io/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22action+net-meeting%22)

* 10-1 some progress...
* 11-4 no progress...
* 15-2 is now closed.
* ...

## Overture Language Board Status

#### topic 1

some description

## Status of VDMTools Development

#### topic 1

some description

##  Status of the Overture Components

#### Component 1

details about it

##  Release Planning

#### topic 1

some description

##  Community Development

#### Overture Traffic

See download stats on [the downloads page](https://www.overturetool.org/download/)

#### topic 1

##  Strategic Research Agenda

The Strategic Research Agenda is reviewed every other NetMeeting.

##  Publications Status and Plans

Also see [Planned Publications](https://www.overturetool.org/publications/PlannedPublications.html).

#### In preparation:

* Item 1
* Item 2

#### In review:

* Item 1

#### In press:

* Item 1

##  Any Other Business

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