Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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The 11th Overture Workshop

11th Overture Workshop on VDM, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 28-29th August 2013

About the Workshop

The 11th Overture Workshop was held in Aarhus, Denmark on Wed/Thu 28-29th August 2013. This workshop was the 11th in the current series focusing on the Vienna Development Method (VDM) and particularly its community-based tools development project, Overture (https://www.overturetool.org/), and related projects such as COMPASS (http://www.compass-research.eu/) and DESTECS (http://www.destecs.org). Invited talks were given by Yves Ledru and Joe Kiniry. The workshop attracted 25 participants representing 10 nationalities.

The goal of the workshop was to provide a forum to present new ideas, to identify and encourage new collaborative research, and to foster current strands of work towards publication in the mainstream conferences and journals. The Overture initiative held its first workshop at FM’05. Workshops were held subsequently at FM’06, FM’08 and FM’09, FM’11, FM’12 and in between.

Workshop Programme

A programme for the workshop appears in the table below. Slides and screencasts for some talks can be found in the links next to the titles. The full proceedings from the event can be found here.

      *Main Workshop*                                                                                                                                                                                                              

      **Wed 28th August**                                                                                                                                                                                                          **Thu 29th August**

09:00 Coffee / welcome Lessons learned from the translation of SecureUML to B and Z
Yves Ledru

09:30 Modelling a Smart Grid System-of-Systems using VDM
Stefan Hallerstede and Peter Gorm Larsen (Slides)

10:00 An Architectural Evolution of the Overture Tool\ Coffee break Peter Jørgensen, Kenneth Lausdahl and Peter Gorm Larsen (Slides)

10:30 Coffee break Co-modelling of a Robot Swarm with DESTECS
Ken Pierce

11:00 Towards an Overture Code Generator\ Modelling Systems of Cyber-Physical Systems
Peter Jørgensen and Peter Gorm Larsen (Slides) Martin Mansfield and John Fitzgerald (Slides)

11:30 The COMPASS Proof Obligation Generator\ Modelling Different CPU Power States in VDM-RT
Luis Diogo Couto and Richard Payne (Slides) José Antonio Esparza Isasa and Peter Gorm Larsen (Slides)

12:00 Model Based Testing of VDM Models\ The Overture Approach to VDM Language Evolution
Uwe Schulze (Slides) Nico Plat and Peter Jørgensen (Slides)

12:30 Lunch Lunch

13:00 Enhancing formal modelling tool support with increased automation
PhD defence, Kenneth Lausdahl
Room 140, Edison Building

13:00-13:45 Presentation
13:45-13:50 Break
13:50-15:30 Q&A session followed by a reception

13:30 Latest on the Overture / COMPASS platform\ Autonomous Tractor Demonstration
13:30-13:50 Joey Coleman\ Martin Peter Christiansen 13:50-14:00 Jesper Gaarsdal (Testing the UI of Overture)

14:00 Tools Session 1: Overture programming tutorial
Kenneth Lausdahl

14:30 Strategic Research Agenda discussion introduction
John Fitzgerald

15:00 Coffee break Coffee break

15:30 Tools Session 2: Overture hands-on programming session\ Strategic Research Agenda discussion continued
Kenneth Lausdahl +
slack time


16:30 ——- —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–


Program Committee