Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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The 4th Overture Workshop

Date and Location

The Fourth VDM-Overture Workshop at FM’08

26th of May 2008, Turku, Finland

Call for Proposals and Participation

The Vienna Development Method (VDM) is a well established formal method supported by industry strength tools (VDMTools). It has a strong record of use as a modeling technique in commercial applications and as a basis for pioneering research in model-oriented specification. New insights in tool support, the use of new technologies promoting interoperability and the potential benefits of open source approaches all provide strong incentives for developing next generation tools based on a more open architecture. These issues are being explored in the Overture Group (www.overturetool.org).

After three successful workshops in Canada and the UK in 2005-2007, we plan to organize the fourth Overture Workshop at FM’08 on the 26th of May 2008. The purpose of the workshop is to foster an active community of researchers and practitioners working with VDM in both academia and industry. The organizers are PeterGormLarsen of the Engineering College of Aarhus, Denmark and ShinSahara of CSK Corporation, Japan.

The VDM and Overture community aims to be open, supportive and welcoming of new ideas and approaches. We invite contributions in the form of papers on any subject relating to the foundations, tool support or applications of VDM or related formalisms. The final programme can be found here. Paper contributions will be published as a Newcastle University (UK) Technical Report at the workshop, so camera ready copies will be required two weeks before the workshop.

Papers and presentations will also be published on-line on the Overture project web-site (https://www.overturetool.org), which currently includes on-line proceedings of the first three Overture workshops. Camera-ready copy of your paper and a PDF of your presentation is to be delivered at the workshop. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper is required to be present at the workshop.

Procedings and Presentations

The proceedings of the workshop can be found here. The different presentations can be found as:
